Archive | May, 2013

Small town sexism, Newport style

25 May

I liked the structure of this particular article and wish to share it.

Small town sexism, Newport style.

Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor

20 May


Time for that time when Moffat messes with our brains!

ok so on this episode of Doctor Who, there is the obscure appearance of a non-doctor doctor.



We find out why Clara has been appearing and dying all the time! yes it will be cool.





New monster! Whispering men they are part of the Greater intelligence which we saw on the last Christmas episode. You know the one where Clara dies for the second time. 



We see River Song again and this time she is introduced to Clara who obviously did not know the doctor was married, however since she was saved in the library episode when Tennant was the doctor only Clara and the doctor can see her.



The kiss between River and the doctor is made that much more awkward…





The leaving of River is sad, as always. Oh and most of the sentimental action happens in Trenzalore.


Final thoughts, yeah Clara becomes much more cool madame Vastra is awesome. Now my theory on the non-doctor doctor is that this version happened during the time war, you know what was conveniently left out from viewers eyesight? So this may shift up doctors as in ten may not be ten anymore, or he may be 12. Anyways all us Whovians will have to wait until November 23rd to watch the 50th anniversary and hopefully (if Moffat is mercy-full) learn what has the non-doctor doctor done.  


The Nice Guy Syndrome

14 May


So we all know the nice guys who keep saying they are nice and women want only to find jerks and complain to the “nice guy”. Ok so what is wrong here? Most self-proclaimed nice guys are bitter and they only become bitter by the amount of rejection their self-proclaimed nice-guyness gets them. These people believe they are not supposed to loose and when they do they externalize their problem to those women they fail woo. The same can be said for women and really anyone who is bitter about people they are attracted to who do not want to reciprocate that feeling, yet they do not realize their bitterness can be visible to a blind person miles away. It is not that the object of their affection is not attracted to nice people (I think everyone is attracted to nice people but that the definition and level of attraction varies between individuals.  Actually a small experiment demonstrated that nice guys have an equal chance at getting a girl as the guys that act like jerks (link is here –>


How do you know if you could have Nice Guy Syndrome?

Do you believe that the object of your affection rejected you because they like jerks and or don’t like nice people like you?

Have you ever thought of your self as the ‘nice guy’ that finishes last?

Do you feel bitter at those who did not accept your affection?

Do you feel people should go out with you or for that fact have sex with you because you are being nice?

if you answered yes to at least two of those there might be a slight chance you may have Nice guy syndrome. But it is not all lost, you have a chance because there is someone who will like you back just as much as you like them , because by being a decent human being you deserve someone who likes you as much as you like them.


Sorry if this seems normative but that was the only gif that tied to my topic.

Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver

14 May

So this episode of Doctor Who, the doctor takes the two kids Clara takes care of, to a theme park.


There is an emperor missing, and there seem to be decommissioned Cybermen exhibited as amusement. The Doctor also gets rejected for playing chess. 


So the mentioned of Cybermen earlier? it was not just a mentioned they do come into play and do what Cybermen do, which is “upgrade” humans.



The doctor has a fight with himself and discusses Clara, ass well as Time lords and regenerations.




The doctor gets some time to get the kids to a safe place, yet he still gets to play chess after all!





The Cybermen don’t kill everybody which is cool.




and there is a proposal of marriage to Clara which made the Doctor rather nervous.




Ok so the overall experience of this episode, it was good there was the thrill of danger, and the doctor did his thing by saving most people with the help of the others around him. 

What bothered me was that well Clara gets described as someone who is a mystery and wears skirts who are just a bit to tight, May I point out that Clara has not worn a tight skirt except for the time when she was a Dalek and he did not actually see her then. 

Thoughts to Ponder, why is there a hint that the doctor is in-like with Clara, and why has she appeared in so many other timelines. Whatever happened to River?

So until the next review of Doctor Who.  

Doctor Who: The Crimson horrror

9 May

Ok The 12th episode of this season “The Crimson Horror”, Madam Vastra makes another appearance with Jenny. I have to say Jenny is super awesome and acted like a bad-ass inb this episode, which made the Doctor a little nervous. 


 Ok so a prehistoric bug is release in Victorian London, in an exclusive gated communy that picks the best human specimen. Madam Vastra get a whiff of this and that the Doctor is already involved in the case, when she sends Jenny into action (to be a super bad ass and slap the Doctor).



On another turn of events the Doctor discover other uses for chairs and a blind girl literally call him a monster, who later seems to fall in-love with him.


Madam Vastra and Jenny become confused over the fact that Clara had died in-front of them at the end of the Christmas episode. May I also point out the doctor was trying to check if this Clara and Barmaid/ nanny Clara can exist in the same time and space. 


Almost everything becomes resolved except for the Clara issue, however somehow The kids Clara currently is nanny for figure out she has been around time thanks to the internet. Plus they open the fact that she was in the Christmas episode (well they do not phrase it that way). 


They threatened her with telling their father she is a time traveler (like that flies with most grown-up).

Over all this was a good episode and while it did not have the makings of the best episode ever, they had good moments. 


Doctor Who: Journey to the Center of the T.A.R.D.I.S.

9 May

I apologize for the lack of writing the past few weeks. So here is the review of the Doctor who episode Journey to the center of the TARDIS.


 And I am sadden to say that this was a filler episode, there was no given information on Clara or the doctor just some filler adventure.


First, not to our surprise The TARDIS is super important to the doctor. So by trying to make them (Clara and the TARDIS) become closer friends, the shields get deactivated so Clara can fly the TARDIS. This action allows for a salvage ship to grab the TARDIS and  proceed to dismantle it (well they try anyways).



It turns out that Clara becomes trapped in the TARDIS, the doctor does the lying thing he does that created the number one rule. Where the scavengers can have the TARDIS provided that he can find Clara, when they do so they have to go to the center of the TARDIS (Thus the title of this episode)


But really guys how awesome does the center look!